5 Best Homeopathic Medicines for H Pylori

Authored by Dr Harsh Sharma, Edited and Peer Reviewed by Dr. Pooja Sharma

Published October 25, 2023, Last updated October 25, 2023

Homeopathic medicines for H Pylori are very effective in the treatment of the bacterial infection and the resultant symptoms.

H Pylori is a type of bacteria that causes an infection in your stomach and the initial part of your intestine. It can cause ulcers in your stomach and intestine. The following 5 homeopathic medicines for H Pylori are very effective –

  1. Nux Vomica
  2. Carbo Veg
  3. Bryonia
  4. Anacardium
  5. Robinia

    Before we talk of the symptoms indicating the use of these homeopathic medicines for H Pylori, let us understand the problem a little better.

What is H Pylori?

Helicobacter Pylori is one of the many bacteria that inhabit our digestive system. More than half of the population of the world has these bacteria in their gut. But this does not mean that all such people will have symptoms related to H Pylori. Most of the people never have any trouble due to the presence of these bacteria in their gut.

H Pylori makes an enzyme called urease. This enzyme neutralizes the natural acids present in your stomach. Acids in stomach are necessary for digestion. At the same time, these bacteria attack the stomach lining and damage it causing redness and inflammation. As the disease progresses, ulcers start forming in the stomach and the intestine.

What causes H Pylori infection?

Lack of hygiene can be a major cause of the spread of Helicobacter Pylori infection. It is far more common in areas and countries that lack cleanliness. Infected water and utensils can lead to their spread. Eating uncooked or partially cooked food can also be a source of infection. These bacteria are present in almost every person’s gut as most people get infected in their childhood. It is only in adulthood that people start showing symptoms of the infection.

Symptoms of Helicobacter Pylori infection

Most people with Helicobacter Pylori infection do not have any symptoms. Only about 20% of the infected people present with symptoms related to H Pylori infection. When symptoms arise, they are because of the ulcers or erosions caused by the bacteria in the lining of the stomach and intestine. The most common symptoms of H Pylori infection are as follows-

  • Burning pain in the stomach region is the most common symptom. There may be dull pain in some cases. This pain is more when you are empty stomach. Usually, this burning or pain improves on eating.
  • Bloating of the stomach is another common symptom. One tends to feel bloated all the time. Eating worsens this bloating.
  • Nausea is also present in many cases.
  • Weight loss can be another symptom. Many patients lose weight even when they do not have any intention to do so. This means that they are not dieting or fasting to lose weight.
  • Loss of appetite may also be common. The digestion process seems to slow down and one tends to feel full long after eating a small meal.
  • Indigestion or dyspepsia can be another important symptom. One tends to feel that the food stays undigested in the stomach for a long time.
  • Many patients have eructation or burping as a prominent symptom.

H Pylori and Cancer Incidence

If you have H pylori infection, you have an increased risk of getting stomach cancer. But this does not in any way mean that you will definitely have stomach cancer. Your diet, stress and lifestyle play a major role in the incidence of cancer. In case you have H Pylori infection, you should make some lifestyle changes and adopt a healthier lifestyle. Eating more fruits and vegetables helps a lot in keeping the symptoms in check. At the same time, you should avoid processed foods, junk food and too much of fried foods. Drink lots of water and stay hydrated at all times. Keep good care of your hygiene as well as that of the foods that you eat. Utensils for cooking food and eating should also be thoroughly cleaned. Sticking to a good sleep regimen is also helpful. When I say a good sleep regimen, I just don’t mean total sleeping hours in a day. It is important that one should sleep in sync with the circadian rhythm, sleep well at night and get up early in the morning. Many researches have shown the beneficial effect of sleeping in sync with circadian clock on the gut microbiome.

Homeopathic Treatment of Helicobacter Pylori

Homeopathy treats Helicobacter Pylori just as it treats any other bacterial infection. Homeopathic medicines work on your immunity and lets it deal with the infection on its own. Once the immunity levels are good, the bacteria are brought under control by the body itself. It is important that one should stick to a healthy lifestyle.

5 best Homeopathic medicines for H Pylori

There are a number of medicines in Homeopathy which are used for the treatment of H Pylori infection. It is beyond the scope of this article to give a complete list of such medicines. I am giving a small list of the most commonly used medicines. In my more than 2 decades of practice, these have consistently given good results.

1. Nux Vomica – One of the best homeopathic medicines for H Pylori due to high living

2. Carbo Veg – One of the best homeopathic medicines for H Pylori with excessive bloating

3. Bryonia – One of the best homeopathic remedies for Helicobacter Pylori with intense thirst

4. Anacardium – One of the best homeopathic medicines for H Pylori with pain relieved by eating

5. Robinia – One of the best homeopathic remedies for H Pylori with intense burning

Although it is not feasible to give details of all the symptoms that indicate a particular remedy, I am giving a few important pointers which help in deciding the right medicine for each particular patient. This is in no way an invitation for self medication. On the contrary, it should serve as a reminder to the readers that close individualization is needed to select the right medicine for each patient, even if the disease diagnosis is similar.

1. Nux Vomica – One of the best homeopathic medicines for H Pylori due to high living

When the cause of the problem is frequent use of intoxicants and other stimulants, Nux Vomica is one of the best homeopathic medicines for H Pylori. The patient is usually an aggressive male who works till late hours and eats out frequently in parties. Liquor, smoking, excess use of tea and coffee are also frequent. There may be a lot of work pressure or stress too. The patient is usually chilly, nervous and irritable. He gets angry at the drop of a hat and is hypersensitive to all sorts of impressions.

2. Carbo Veg – One of the best homeopathic medicines for H Pylori with excessive bloating

When there is excessive bloating in the stomach region, Carbo Veg is one of the best homeopathic medicines for H Pylori. There is lot of flatulence and fullness in the abdomen. Pain in abdomen is common and is worse on lying down. Milk, meat and fat things don’t suit the patient. There is white coating on the tongue. Body is often blue and cold to touch. There is desire for fresh air and patient wants to be fanned all the time.

3. Bryonia – One of the best homeopathic remedies for Helicobacter Pylori with intense thirst

When there is intense thirst with other attendant symptoms, Bryonia is one of the best homeopathic remedies for Helicobacter Pylori. The patient feels so thirsty that he keeps drinking large quantities of water at small intervals. There is dryness of all mucous membranes, whether of the mouth, intestines or rectum. Irritability is another common symptom of this remedy. There is nausea and faintness on rising up. All troubles are worse on motion and better by rest. The patient vomits bile and water immediately after eating.

4. Anacardium – One of the best homeopathic medicines for H Pylori with pain relieved by eating

When pain in stomach and all symptoms are relieved by eating, Anacardium is one of the best homeopathic medicines for H Pylori. The digestion is weak with fullness and heaviness in the stomach region. There is a choking sensation on eating or drinking anything. Patient tends to eat or drink hastily.

5. Robinia – One of the best homeopathic remedies for H Pylori with intense burning

When there is intense burning in the stomach and esophagus region, Robinia is one of the best homeopathic remedies for H Pylori. Headache is a concomitant symptom of the acidity in the stomach. The eructations are acrid in nature and even the stools smell sour. There is greenish vomiting and nightly burning pains in the stomach region.




N.B Homeopathic medicines are very safe and do not have any side effects when taken under the supervision of an expert homeopathic doctor.

Get in touch with our homeopathic doctors to know how homeopathy can cure your problem.

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Queries on 5 Best Homeopathic Medicines for H Pylori
  1. I am having H. Pylori test positive and I am suffering for last 8 months.
    Bowels are normal but second one is with lots of gas and like diarrhea.
    Please Advise.

  2. Good afternoon,
    This is Satyabrata. I am suffering from Hpylori with lot of Gas passing and acidity . I had my endoscopy in 2017 and found Hpylori. Doctor suggested antibiotics. With the First time treatment, it did not eradicate. Second time ,third time, he changed to different antibiotics and got eradicated, Now a days 2023 I am suffering from lot of Gas and went for endoscopy test. Now Hpylori came back. Please suggest any homeopathic medication thank you.

  3. I have Antral Gastritis due to hpilory bacteria from many years. Bloating, gas , loss of appetite, dry mouth , wt.loss, anemia due low red blood cell ,constipation and some time loose motion are some symptoms. Pl.advice.

  4. I have h pylori problem from many years
    Use every allopathic medicine for hpylori but don’t cure now
    The stomach make a very gases problem which I don’t set and up in people’s

  5. My wife is having H pylori positive. She could not sustain antibiotics therapy. We tried two times and she collapsed. How homeopathic can cure or eradicate this bacteria? Please advise also for diet.

  6. At the fime of bowei discharge more often than not i am constrained to ŕesort to fingering to dig out the residual constipated stool or in the case of loose soft stool after the automatic first phase dischargr have to use my finger to excavate the remaining bowels which e inside the rectum walls to facilitate complete evacuation. Also i sometimes suffer
    from parched throat that suddenly
    h L Lappens leaving the inside of my mouth totally.dry.with no watery substance to spit
    a condition which eases on gulping water
    Besides i have age old psoraisis & also detatched
    retina and.initial glucoma in left eye
    colitis and on microscopic exam the baceeria called TRICURA TRICHURI was detected.
