{"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"FAQPage","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"I have chronic sinusitis. Should I opt for homeopathy for sinus treatment?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Homeopathic treatment for chronic sinusitis is by far the most effective treatment. It cures the trouble completely."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Which is the best sinus medicine in homeopathy?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Medicine selection in Homeopathy is based on the matching of symptoms of the patient with that of the remedies. Therefore, whichever medicine is similar to your symptoms, it is the best medicine for you."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Please tell me is there a good homeopathy medicine for cold and nose block?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"As mentioned previously, there are no specific medicines in homeopathy for cold or for nose blockage. One has to look at the overall symptom picture to find the right medicine in each case."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Are there any homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Homeopathy has a number of medicines that work wonders to reduce the sinus congestion. All cases of sinusitis, whether acute or chronic, cause sinus congestion. Any and every homeopathic medicine that is suitable for a patient will be able to cure the sinus congestion."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Please tell me about the best homeopathic medicines for sinus headache.","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Whenever there is chronic sinusitis, it causes congestion in the forehead. This leads to heaviness in the forehead and in some cases whole of the head. Therefore, all the medicines mentioned above can cure sinus headache, provided the symptoms match with that of the patient."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How Can I get Permanent relief from sinusitis?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Homeopathy provides permanent relief from sinusitis. It roots out the problem once and for all. "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"I have frequent sinus infections. Is this curable with homeopathy?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes, frequent sinus infections are perfectly curable with homeopathy."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I get relief from frequent sinus blockage with homeopathic medicines?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes, homeopathic medicines will provide a permanent cure of your sinus blockage."}}]}Blog - Page 4 of 18 - Homeopathic Specialist‎ Dr Harsh Sharma

5 Best homeopathic medicines for sinusitis

Sinusitis- both acute and chronic, can be easily treated with Homeopathy. The fact of the matter is that Homeopathy gives miraculous results in the treatment of sinusitis. The following 5 best Homeopathic Medicines for Sinusitis are very effective for its treatment – Kali Bichrome Hydrastis Silicea Pulsatilla Hepar Sulph Before we detail the individual indications… Read more

Homeopathic medicines for fatty liver

Homeopathic medicines for fatty liver are very effective and can cure the problem completely.

What is Fatty Liver Fatty Liver or Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) or Steatosis is a common outcome of today’s lifestyle. Liver stores  some amount of fat. If  fat increases beyond 5-10% of the weight of the liver, it is called Fatty Liver.  The following 5 homeopathic medicines for fatty liver are very effective… Read more

5 best homeopathic medicines for Trigeminal Neuralgia

Homeopathic medicines for trigeminal neuralgia

Pain in the jaw or facial region which gets worse by actions like eating, chewing, touch, shaving or brushing etc is often thought of as tooth pain. In fact, it may be due to excitation of the trigeminal nerve. We call it trigeminal neuralgia. The following 5 homeopathic medicines for trigeminal neuralgia are very effective… Read more

5 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Leucorrhea

Homeopathic medicines for leucorrhea are very effective and can cure the trouble completely.

Leucorrhea is a delicate subject in women. Often, women do not seek treatment for this problem just because of shyness. They don’t know how to communicate that they are suffering from leucorrhea.  The following 5 homeopathic medicines for leucorrhea are very effective – Calcarea Carb Sepia Alumina Pulsatilla Kreosote Before we come to the indications… Read more

5 best Homeopathic medicines for Acne

Homeopathic medicines for acne

A skin problem that affects the teenagers the most happens to be acne. This is true for both boys and girls. These 5 Homeopathic medicines for acne are very effective and can cure your trouble once and for all – Pulsatilla Heapr Sulphur Silicea Natrum Mur Nux Vomica Before we come to the indications pointing… Read more

5 Best Homeopathic Medicines for H Pylori

Homeopathic medicines for H Pylori are very effective in the treatment of the bacterial infection and the resultant symptoms.

H Pylori is a type of bacteria that causes an infection in your stomach and the initial part of your intestine. It can cause ulcers in your stomach and intestine. The following 5 homeopathic medicines for H Pylori are very effective – Nux Vomica Carbo Veg Bryonia Anacardium Robinia Before we talk of the symptoms… Read more

5 best Homeopathic medicines for Kidney Stones

Homeopathic medicines for kidney stones

A common problem that affects the urinary system is kidney stones. The medical name for kidney stones happens to be renal calculi. The following are the best homeopathic medicines for kidney stones and are very effective – Berberis Vulgaris Cantharis Lycopodium Sarsaparilla Benzoic Acid Before we come to the indications suggesting the use of these… Read more

5 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Low Back Pain

Homeopathic medicines for Low Back Pain offer the best alternative treatment for low back pain

Low back pain is a very common problem. The following homeopathic medicines for low back pain have proved their worth time and again – Rhus Tox Arnica Bryonia Kali Carb Mag Phos Before we come to the symptoms or indications of the homeopathic medicines for low back pain, let us understand the problem a bit…. Read more

5 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Cervical Spondylosis

Here are the 5 best homeopathic medicines for cervical spondylosis. The neck pain that results from cervical spondylosis is easily cured with these 5 best homeopathic medicines for cervical spondylitis.

All extensive computer users start getting pain in the neck sooner or later. Nowadays, after Covid and the online classes, even young children are getting it. This is because of the Cervical Spondylosis. The following 5 homeopathic medicines for cervical spondylosis have proved to be very effective in its treatment – Conium Gelsemium Kalmia Silicea… Read more

5 best Homeopathic medicines for bedwetting

Homeopathic medicines for bed wetting

A totally harmless but troublesome problem seen in children is that of bed wetting. It is also known as Enuresis in medical language. A child is unable to control his or her bladder while sleeping.  The following 5 Homeopathic medicines for bedwetting are very effective for its permanent treatment – Causticum Kreosote Cina Acid Phos… Read more
